Thursday 26 December 2019

Advances in artificial spin ice: Review

Advances in artificial spin ice.
Sandra H. Skjærvø, Christopher H. Marrows, Robert L. Stamps & Laura J. Heyderman
Nature Reviews Physics (2019)
Discoveries will be driven by inspiration for new designs. The new designs will require the development of methods to manufacture them and to measure their dynamics. In this way, it will be possible to identify, characterize and control the emergent phenomena that will lead to new functionality in artificial spin ice. 

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Van der Waals engineering of magnetism

Van der Waals engineering of magnetism
Ji-Hui Yang, Hongjun Xiang
a, Top and side view of monoclinic stacking with the antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling under zero pressure P. The green (purple) atoms represent the Cr atoms in the top (bottom) layer, and the brown ones represent the I atoms. Black arrows represent the spin direction. b, Same for rhombohedral stacking with the ferromagnetic interlayer coupling under a certain pressure, represented by the red arrows. hBN, hexagonal boron nitride.

Exchange-bias feature in core-shell nanoparticles

On the first evidence of exchange-bias feature in magnetically contrasted consolidates made from CoFe 2 O 4 -CoO core-shell nanoparticles.
Nancy Flores-Martinez, Giulia Franceschin, Thomas Gaudisson, Sonia Haj-Khlifa, Sarra Gam Derouich, Nader Yaacoub, Jean-Marc Grenèche, Nicolas Menguy, Raul Valenzuela & Souad Ammar
Scientific Reports 9, 19468 (2019)
Thermal variation of the saturation and remanent magnetizations (a) and that of the coercive and exchange magnetic fields (b) of CFO-CO ceramic, as inferred from its FC hysteresis loops (cooling field of 7 T) recorded at different temperatures.

Ferromagnetic excess moments and apparent exchange bias in FeF 2

Ferromagnetic excess moments and apparent exchange bias in FeF2 single crystals 
D. C. Joshi, P. Nordblad, R. Mathieu
Scientific Reports 9, 18884 (2019)

Temperature dependence of (a) magnetization M under FC in a magnetic field of H = 5 Oe, and (b) thermo-remnant magnetization (TRM) measured along perpendicular (c), 45° and parallel to c-axis (||c) of the FeF2 circular disc. The inset shows a photograph of the top view (along the c-axis) of the FeF2 single crystal used in experiment.

Friday 20 December 2019

Spin Waves Revealed with X-Ray Vision

Spin Waves Revealed with X-Ray Vision
Christopher Crockett
Physics - Synopsis

Synopsis figure
Direct observation of coherent magnons with suboptical wavelengths in a single-crystalline ferrimagnetic insulator
J. Förster, J. Gräfe, J. Bailey, S. Finizio, N. Träger, F. Groß, S. Mayr, H. Stoll, C. Dubs, O. Surzhenko, N. Liebing, G. Woltersdorf, J. Raabe, M. Weigand, G. Schütz, and S. Wintz
Figure 2
Schematics of the sample architecture and measurement setup. (a) Direct x-ray intensity image of the sample's transmission window. The central dark horizontal stripe is the antenna. (b) Single time frame of the time-resolved measurement with dynamical normalization that emphasizes the spin waves over the static background. Grayscale values represent the changes of the out-of-plane magnetization component. (c) Result of time-domain Fourier analysis, showing amplitude and phase of the waves in HSV (hue-saturation-value) color space (color code above the image).

Thursday 28 November 2019

The Heat in Antiferromagnetic Switching

The Heat in Antiferromagnetic Switching
Barry Zink
Physics 12, 134 (2019)

Absence of Evidence of Electrical Switching of the Antiferromagnetic Néel Vector
C. C. Chiang, S. Y. Huang, D. Qu, P. H. Wu, and C. L. Chien

Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 227203 (2019)
Figure 1
Schematics of the eight-terminal patterned structure with the pulsed writing current along the 45° (write 1) and the 135° (write 2) lines for (a) planar Hall and (b) longitudinal resistance measurements. Relative changes of Hall resistance in (c) Pt/NiO/Si and (e) Pt/NiO/glass and relative change of longitudinal resistance in (d) Pt/NiO/Si and (f) Pt/NiO/glass, after applying 10-ms writing current pulses alternately along the 45° and the 135° lines.

Figure caption
(Left) Platinum (Pt) strips grown on antiferromagnetic nickel oxide (NiO) films convert charge current to spin current, which is intended to switch the pointing direction of the insulating NiO’s spins. The switching is observed via a sawtooth voltage pattern. However, the Pt heats dramatically when the current is applied and (right) this heating reproduces the sawtooth pattern even when no antiferromagnet is present. 

Friday 21 June 2019

Microtubes with radial magnetization

Magnetization reversal and local switching fields of ferromagnetic Co/Pd microtubes with radial magnetization
Norbert Puwenberg, Christopher F. Reiche, Robert Streubel, Mishal Khan, Dipankar Mukherjee, Ivan V. Soldatov, Michael Melzer, Oliver G. Schmidt, Bernd Büchner, Thomas Mühl
Phys. Rev. B 99, 094438 (2019)
Figure 6
Sketch of the extreme case where the MFM tip oscillates parallel to the local microtube surface (ϕ=90) with two different simplified magnetic domain configurations. (a) For domain walls parallel to the tip oscillation direction, no MFM signal is expected due to vanishing magnetostatic force z-component. (b) Domain walls perpendicular to the tip oscillation direction cause a detectable MFM signal.