Tuesday 22 May 2012

SW and DW interactions in a nanowire

Interaction between propagating spin waves and domain walls on a ferromagnetic nanowire
J.-S. Kim, M. Stärk, and M. Kläui, J. Yoon and C.-Y. You, L. Lopez-Diaz and E. Martinez
Phys. Rev. B 85, 174428 (2012)
The initial spin configuration of the trapped head-to-head TW nucleated at the position of a square notch in the center of the nanowire. The square notch size is 5 × 5 nm2. In the bottom we zoom into the central part of the wire to show the internal structure of the TW pinned at the notch. In order to generate SWs, we apply a localized sinusoidal field at a position denoted as the SW source. The SW source is located at 500 nm from the center of the nanowire. To depin the TW, we apply an external field Bext along the ±x direction.

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