Wednesday 21 March 2012

Quantum plasmons in NPs

Plasmons go quantum

F. Javier García de Abajo
Nature 483, 417 (2012)
a, In particles larger than about 10 nanometres, plasmons emerge as collective oscillations of a gas of conduction electrons, and have a frequency that is uncertain (double-headed arrow) because of collisions among the electrons and between the electrons and the particles' atomic lattice. b, In particles smaller than 10 nm, plasmons are associated with quantum electron transitions between occupied and unoccupied energy levels. As a result, the plasmon frequency and its uncertainty, which Scholl et al. accurately measured, are larger than those for bigger particles.

Quantum plasmon resonances of individual metallic nanoparticles.
Jonathan A. Scholl, Ai Leen Koh & Jennifer A. Dionne
Nature 483, 421 (2012)
Comparison of experimental data with quantum theory. Experimental, EELS-determined localized surface plasmon resonance energies of various Ag particle diameters are overlaid on the absorption spectra generated from the analytic quantum permittivity model (a) and the DFTderived permittivity model (b). The experimental bulk resonance energies are
also included (grey dots) along with the theory prediction (grey line). Classical Mie theory peak prediction is given by the dashed white line. The experimental data begin to deviate significantly from classical predictions for particle diameters smaller than 10nm. Horizontal error bars represent 95% confidence intervals, as calculated through curve fitting and bootstrapping techniques.

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