Electrical control of the ferromagnetic phase transition in cobalt at room temperature.
D. Chiba, S. Fukami, K. Shimamura, N. Ishiwata, K. Kobayashi and T. Ono
Nature Mater. 10, 853 (2011)
Switching of ferromagnetism by electric field at room temperature and measurement configuration. a, Ferromagnetic phase transition of a metal ferromagnet of Cobalt (Co) was induced by applying a gate voltage (VG) at room temperature. The device for the transport measurements consists of a metal gate (Au=Cr), an insulator layer (HfO2), and an ultrathin Co layer. b, Measurement configuration with Hall-bar-shaped device. Anomalous Hall resistance (RHall) measured with a
d.c. current I of 20 A was used to measure the local magnetization of the ultrathin Co layer under the applications of the gate voltage (VG). |