Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Quantum spin ice. Reviews

Quantum spin ice: a search for gapless quantum spin liquids in pyrochlore magnets.

M J P Gingras and P A McClarty
Rep. Prog. Phys. 77, 056501 (2014)

Monte Carlo studies of the dipolar spin ice model
Roger G Melko and Michel J P Gingras J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, R1277 (2014)

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Skyrmions in FePt layers

Skyrmion magnetic structure of an ordered FePt monolayer deposited on Pt(111).
S. Polesya, S. Mankovsky, S. Bornemann, D. Ködderitzsch,1 J. Minár, and H. Ebert

Phys. Rev. B 89, 184414 (2014)
Magnetic moment distribution within the Skyrmion. Yellow and blue colors in (a) represent schematically the region giving gain and loss of Zeeman energy in the presence of a magnetic field; blue color in (b) shows the region giving loss of the exchange energy contributed by in-plane components of magnetic moments. (c) and (d): Structure of single Sk obtained with the contributions of the Fe-Pt exchange interactions taken into account [the same color code as in (a) and (b)].

Effects of dimensionality and spatial distribution on the magnetic relaxation of interacting ferromagnetic nanoclusters: A Monte Carlo study

Effects of dimensionality and spatial distribution on the magnetic relaxation of interacting ferromagnetic nanoclusters: A Monte Carlo study.
D. Brinis, A. Laggoun, D. Ledue and  R. Patte

J. Appl. Phys. 115, 173906 (2014)

χ vs for the -square lattice with various strengths of the DI ( = 104 Hz). (a) χ′ and (b) χ″.

Amazing physics of magnetized chains of beads

Magnetic ghosts and monopoles. N Vandewalle and S Dorbolo 2014

New J. Phys. 16, 013050 (2014)

The magneto-elastica: from self-buckling to self-assembly.
Dominic Vella, Emmanuel du Pontavice,  Cameron L. Hall and Alain Goriely

Proc. Royal Soc. A 470 20130609 (2013)

Three simple experiments that illustrate the resistance to deformation of assemblies of ferromagnetic spheres. (a) The self-buckling of a vertical chain of magnetic spheres as further spheres are added. (b) The prolate–oblate oscillation of a ring of magnetic spheres. Snap-shots of the motion are shown at intervals of 0.021 s. (c) A self-assembled chiral ‘nano-tube’. In each case, the diameter of the spheres is 2a=5 mm and the magnetic field strength is B= 1.195 T.