Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Size dependent Verwey transition

Size Dependence of Metal–Insulator Transition in Stoichiometric Fe3O4 Nanocrystals.
Jisoo Lee, Soon Gu Kwon, Je-Geun Park, and Taeghwan Hyeon
Nano Lett. 15, 4337 (2015)
Size dependence of TV for Fe3O4 NCs. The contour plot represents the heat capacity data after removing the contribution of surfactant. The symbols mark the Verwey transition temperature (TV) determined from three different types of measurements: heat capacity (green, CP/T), conductance (blue, G), and magnetic moment (red, m). The size dependence of blocking temperature (TB) is also plotted from the same magnetization measurement (black). The gray line is a guide to the eye for the size dependence of TB.

Monday, 20 July 2015

Magnetic Interactions and Energy Barrier Enhancement in Core/Shell Bimagnetic Nanoparticles - The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (ACS Publications)

Magnetic Interactions and Energy Barrier Enhancement in Core/Shell Bimagnetic Nanoparticles.
Gabriel C. Lavorato, Davide Peddis, Enio Lima , Jr., Horacio E. Troiani, Elisabetta Agostinelli, Dino Fiorani, Roberto D. Zysler, and Elin L. Winkler
J. Phys. Chem. C 119, 15755 (2015) 
In this work, we studied the dynamic and static magnetic properties of ZnO-core/CoFe2O4-shell and CoO-core/CoFe2O4-shell nanoparticles. Both systems are formed by a core of ∼4 nm of diameter encapsulated in a shell of ∼2 nm of thickness. The mean blocking temperature changes from 106(7) to 276(5) K when the core is diamagnetic or antiferromagnetic, respectively. Magnetic remanence studies revealed the presence of weak dipolar interparticle interactions, where Hint is approximately −0.1 kOe for ZnO/CoFe2O4 and −0.9 kOe for CoO/CoFe2O4, playing a minor role in the magnetic behavior of the materials. Relaxation experiments provided evidence that the magnetization reversal process of CoFe2O4 is strongly dependent on the magnetic order of the core. At 10 K, activation volumes of ∼46(6) and ∼69(5) nm3 were found for CoO/CoFe2O4 and ZnO/CoFe2O4 nanoparticles, respectively, corresponding to one-third and one-fifth of the total shell volume. While the magnetic behavior of ZnO/CoFe2O4 nanoparticles is strongly affected by the surface disorder, the exchange coupling at the CoO/CoFe2O4 interface rules the magnetization reversal and the nanoparticles’ thermal stability by inducing a larger energy barrier and promoting smaller switching volume.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Diversity of Hyperthermia Response

A Single Picture Explains Diversity of Hyperthermia Response of Magnetic Nanoparticles.

Ivan Conde-Leboran , Daniel Baldomir, Carlos Martinez-Boubeta, Oksana Chubykalo-Fesenko, María del Puerto Morales, Gorka Salas, David Cabrera, Julio Camarero, Francisco J. Teran, and David Serantes

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 15698 (2015)


Addressing the Control of NP arrangement and performance in Hyperthermia

Nano-objects for Addressing the Control of Nanoparticle Arrangement and Performance in Magnetic Hyperthermia.
Irene Andreu, Eva Natividad, Laura Solozábal, and Olivier Roubeau

ACS Nano, 9 1408 (2015)

One current challenge of magnetic hyperthermia is achieving therapeutic effects with a minimal amount of nanoparticles, for which improved heating abilities are continuously pursued. However, it is demonstrated here that the performance of magnetite nanocubes in a colloidal solution is reduced by 84% when they are densely packed in three-dimensional arrangements similar to those found in cell vesicles after nanoparticle internalization. This result highlights the essential role played by the nanoparticle arrangement in heating performance, uncontrolled in applications. A strategy based on the elaboration of nano-objects able to confine nanocubes in a fixed arrangement is thus considered here to improve the level of control. The obtained specific absorption rate results show that nanoworms and nanospheres with fixed one- and two-dimensional nanocube arrangements, respectively, succeed in reducing the loss of heating power upon agglomeration, suggesting a change in the kind of nano-object to be used in magnetic hyperthermia.

Magnetism on a curved nano-surface

Evolution of magnetism on a curved nano-surface.
D. G. Merkel, D. Bessas, Z. Zolnai, R. Rüffer, A. I. Chumakov, H. Paddubrouskaya, C. Van Haesendonck, N. Nagy, A. L. Tóth and A. Deák
Nanoscale 7, 12878 (2015)
Magnetic moment configuration calculated by micromagnetic simulation for (a) 26 Å, (b) 34.5 Å, (c) 48.5 Å and (d) 70.5 Å evaporated iron thickness on 25 nm diameter spheres. The blue color represents the magnitude of the z component while the red stands for the xy in-plane component.

Size effects on EB in NiO NPs

Scrutinizing the role of size reduction on the exchange bias and dynamic magnetic behavior in NiO nanoparticles.
N Rinaldi-Montes, P Gorria, D Martínez-Blanco, A B Fuertes, L Fernández Barquín, I Puente-Orench and J A Blanco
Nanotechnology 26, 305705 (2015)
(a)–(d) Magnetic hysteresis loops for samples D2, D4 and D9 measured at selected temperatures, (a) 2, (b) 20, (c) 140 and (d) 300 K (that corresponding to a bulk NiO standard is included for the sake of comparison). (e)–(h) Enlarged views of the central part of the loops, evidencing the decrease in HC and Mr with increasing temperature. The pictures inside (a)–(d) indicate the blocked/frozen (blue) or unblocked/unfrozen (red) regimes for the cores and shells, and correspond to samples D2 (top), D4 (middle) and D9 (bottom)