Monday, 24 August 2015

LLBar phenomenological relaxation equation

Phenomenological description of the nonlocal magnetization relaxation in magnonics, spintronics, and domain-wall dynamics.
Weiwei Wang, Mykola Dvornik, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, Dmitri Chernyshenko, Marijan Beg, Maximilian Albert, Arne Vansteenkiste, Bartel V. Waeyenberge, Andriy N. Kuchko, Volodymyr V. Kruglyak, and Hans Fangohr
Phys. Rev. B 92, 054430 (2015)
The spin-wave-amplitude decay along the rod, for a spin wave excited locally by applying a microwave H=H0sin(2πft)ey of frequency f=30GHz and amplitude H0=1000Oe in the region 0x2nm. The data were fitted using Eq. (23) with β=0.02 and α=0.01.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Exchange bias in Au-Fe3O4 dumbbell NPs

Exchange bias effect in Au-Fe3O4 dumbbell nanoparticles induced by the charge transfer from gold.
Mikhail Feygenson, John C. Bauer, Zheng Gai, Carlos Marques, Meigan C. Aronson, Xiaowei Teng, Dong Su, Vesna Stanic, Volker S. Urban, Kevin A. Beyer, and Sheng Dai
Phys. Rev. B 92, 054416 (2015)
Temperature-dependent ZFC and FC magnetizations for (a) Au-4 sample and (b) free solution of Fe3O4 and Au nanoparticles. The field-dependent magnetization measured after field cooling in 50 kOe from 300 K for (c) Au-4 and (d) reference samples at various temperatures. Inset: the same plot at lower fields, showing no horizontal shift of the hysteresis loop.

Multiscale modeling of ultrafast magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic alloys

Multiscale modeling of ultrafast element-specific magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic alloys.
D. Hinzke, U. Atxitia, K. Carva, P. Nieves, O. Chubykalo-Fesenko, P. M. Oppeneer, and U. Nowak
Phys. Rev. B 92, 054412 (2015)
Ratio between the relaxation times τ of the Fe and Ni sublattices in Py after the application of a heat pulse of temperature Tpulse for a range of values of the ratio of intrinsic damping parameters λFe/λFe. Black lines represent λFe/λNi values where the ratio between relaxation times τNi and τFe is constant with the value given by the label.

Magnetic order induced by torsion in magnetic nanowires

Torsion-induced effects in magnetic nanowires.
Denis D. Sheka, Volodymyr P. Kravchuk, Kostiantyn V. Yershov, and Yuri Gaididei

Phys. Rev. B 92, 054417 (2015)

Magnetization distributions in the helix wire with easy-tangential anisotropy and C=+1 obtained from numerical simulations
Equilibrium magnetization distribution in the quasitangential state of the helix wire with C=+1

AF proximity effect in Co NPs

High Temperature Magnetic Stabilization of Cobalt Nanoparticles by an Antiferromagnetic Proximity Effect.
José A. De Toro, Daniel P. Marques, Pablo Muñiz, Vassil Skumryev, Jordi Sort, Dominique Givord, and Josep Nogués

Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 057201 (2015)

(a) Schematic representation of the Co/CoONiO sample. (b) Field-cooled hysteresis loops of the Co/CoONiO samples (S series) at 10 K. Shown in the inset is the 10-K hysteresis loop of R80. (c) Field-cooled hysteresis loops of the same samples at 300 K. Shown in the inset are the same loops up to higher fields.