Spin Waves Revealed with X-Ray Vision
Christopher Crockett
Physics - Synopsis
Direct observation of coherent magnons with suboptical wavelengths in a
single-crystalline ferrimagnetic insulator
J. Förster, J. Gräfe, J. Bailey, S. Finizio, N. Träger, F. Groß, S. Mayr, H. Stoll, C. Dubs, O. Surzhenko, N. Liebing, G. Woltersdorf, J. Raabe, M. Weigand, G. Schütz, and S. Wintz
Schematics of the sample architecture and measurement setup. (a) Direct x-ray intensity image of the sample's transmission window. The central dark horizontal stripe is the antenna. (b) Single time frame of the time-resolved measurement with dynamical normalization that emphasizes the spin waves over the static background. Grayscale values represent the changes of the out-of-plane magnetization component. (c) Result of time-domain Fourier analysis, showing amplitude and phase of the waves in HSV (hue-saturation-value) color space (color code above the image). |