Monday, 24 February 2020

Helicity control in magnetic nanotubes

Tailoring dual reversal modes by helicity control in ferromagnetic nanotubes.
H. D. Salinas, J. Restrepo, and Òscar Iglesias
Phys. Rev. B 101, 054419 (2020)
Magnetic configurations along the hysteresis loops for the different reversal modes displayed in Fig. 4 (left and right columns correspond to panels (a) and (c) of that figure). Upper panels represent the height profiles of the quantities θ, mz⟩, and <mϕ averaged per layer for the tube (8,15) and γ= 0.035, whereas lower ones present snapshots of the spin configurations taken at points labeled in Fig. 4.

Hopfions and all that in magnets

Skyrmion Knots in Frustrated Magnets
Paul SutcliffePhys. Rev. Lett. 118, 247203 (2017)
Figure 1

Static Hopf Solitons and Knotted Emergent Fields in Solid-State Noncentrosymmetric
Magnetic Nanostructures.
Jung-Shen B. Tai and Ivan I. Smalyukh
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 187201 (2018)

Figure 1

Binding a hopfion in a chiral magnet nanodisk.
Yizhou Liu, Roger K. Lake, and Jiadong Zang
Figure 1