Quantum deflagration and supersonic fronts of tunneling in molecular magnets.
D. A. Garanin and Saaber Shoyeb
ArXiv 1112.5171 (2011)
D. A. Garanin and Saaber Shoyeb
ArXiv 1112.5171 (2011)
A blog dedicated to recent publications in the field of Nanomagnetism. A selection of links to articles in the most important topics of magnetism of nanoparticles and nanostructures will appear here in a regular basis. Comments and discussion about the results will be welcome.
Charge, orbital and trimeron order in the low-temperature magnetite structure. |
Ground-state spin configurations of the Fe monolayer with experimental layer relaxation (a) without and (b) with biquadratic couplings. |
Snapshot of a configuration during a simulation for J < 0 at T = 10−3|J | on a 12 × 12 lattice. Periodic boundary conditions are imposed at the edges. |
Temperature dependence of magnetic induction maps determined from the reconstructed phase images. |
Electric-field-induced toggle switching of magnetization. a, Schematic of the experiment performed by Wang and colleagues. |
Dynamics of total spin along z axis of sample with a Bloch point initially shifted from center of the sample. |
The as-prepared nanocomposite is demonstrated to have a great potential for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided, focused photothermal tumor therapy under near-IR laser radiation. |
FORC diagrams of films with thickness tPy = 18 nm: (a) continuous film, and arrays of antidots with diameter (b) dp = 35 nm, (c) dp = 48 nm and (d) dp = 54 nm. |
Enhanced pinning in the precessional mode and the pinning probability for different types of magnetic domain wall. |
Interface between normal and superconducting regions in a type-I superconductor, pinned by a planar defect in the XY plane. |
MFM images of final states of open (a-d) and closed (e-h) arrays after rotation at selected hold fields. The black outline in (g) indicates a GS domain. |
Temperature dependence of the magnetic viscosity S(T ) at H = 0 and 300 Oe. |
The exchange parameter as a function of interatomic distance to the n-th neighbour Jn(Rn) for different c/a ratios. |
(a) Two-dimensional map of E_B as a function of H and J. (b) E_B vs J at several bias H. The solid lines are the best fit with Eq. (2). |
Comparison between Model 2 (green line and blue circles) and Model 3 (pink line and red triangles) when r0 = 10. Effective Gilbert damping factor α is obtained from the fitting curves. |
N´eel temperatures as a function of U for NiO, CoO, and MnO. The dashed lines denote the experimental values and the gray solid lines are Monte Carlo simulations. |