Monday 22 June 2015

Universal dependence of SW in magnonic crystals

Universal dependence of the spin wave band structure on the geometrical characteristics of two-dimensional magnonic crystals.

S. Tacchi, P. Gruszecki, M. Madami, G. Carlotti, J. W. Kłos, M. Krawczyk, A. Adeyeye, G. Gubbiotti 

Scientific Reports 5, 10367 (2015)

(a) BLS spectra taken at the Γ-point for the series S1 ADLs with different thicknesses applying a magnetic field μ0H0 = 0.1 T. (b) Calculated SW spatial profiles for the edge (E), the fundamental (F) and the fundamental-localized (Floc) modes. The intensity of the color denotes the amplitude of the excitation, while the red and blue colors indicate opposite phase.

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