Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Domain Wall Motion in Magnetic Helices

Rashba Torque Driven Domain Wall Motion in Magnetic Helices.
Oleksandr V. Pylypovskyi, Denis D. Sheka, Volodymyr P. Kravchuk, Kostiantyn V. Yershov, Denys Makarov & Yuri Gaididei
(a) Schematics of magnetic helix with the easy-tangential anisotropy (magnetic moments are shown with red arrows, TNB-basis is shown with green arrows. (b) The rotation angle ψ for different torsions σ and curvatures ϰ. The onion state is energetically preferable in the grey region37. Solid lines correspond to analytics37, filled circles and open squares correspond to SLaSi and Nmag simulations, respectively; see Methods for details. (c,d) Discrete magnetic moments at equilibrium for right- and left-handed helices, respectively. The effective anisotropy axis is shown with thin black arrow e1.

SW excitation from pinned magnetic DWs

Tunable short-wavelength spin wave excitation from pinned magnetic domain walls.
Ben van de Viele, Sampo J. Hämäläinen, Pavel Baláž, Federico Montoncello & Sebastiaan van Dijken
Scientific Reports 6, 21330 (2016)

(a) Schematic of the ferroelectric-ferromagnetic bilayer structure. The polarization of the ferroelectric a1 and a2 domains is aligned along the elongated in-plane axis of the tetragonal BaTiO3 lattice and it rotates by 90 degrees at the domain boundaries. Via strain transfer and inverse magnetostriction, uniaxial anisotropy is induced in the ferromagnetic layer. The resulting ferromagnetic domain pattern fully correlates with the ferroelectric domain structure and magnetic domain walls are strongly pinned onto the ferroelectric domain boundaries by abrupt 90 degree rotations of magnetic anisotropy. (b) Micromagnetic simulation geometry for an extended film. The computational area is restricted to one period of the stripe domain structure, i.e. a single a1 and a2 domain, both having a width of 3.2 μm. Periodic boundary conditions in the x- and y-direction are used to account for the continuous film geometry. The simulated magnetization pattern near the magnetic domain wall is shown as inset.

Attractive Coulomb force between magnetic monopoles in spin ice

Experimental signature of the attractive Coulomb force between positive and negative magnetic monopoles in spin ice.
C. Paulsen, S. R. Giblin, E. Lhotel, D. Prabhakaran, G. Balakrishnan, K. Matsuhira & S. T. Bramwell

NP for Cancer diagnosis and treatment: Review

Magnetite nanoparticles for cancer diagnosis, treatment, and treatment monitoring: recent advances.
  • Richard A. Revia, 
  • Miqin Zhang

  • Friday, 4 March 2016

    Antiferromagnetic spintronics: Review

    Antiferromagnetic spintronics.
    T. Jungwirth, X. Marti, P. Wadley, J. Wunderlich
    Nature Nanotechnology 11, 231 (2016)
    a, Left: Schematic of atoms on a surface coupled antiferromagnetically with exchange energy J. Surface-induced magnetic anisotropy fields cause the spins of the atoms to align parallel to the easy magnetic axis D. A spin-polarized scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) tip reads and writes the magnetic state of the structure. Right: Spin-polarized STM images of a linear chain of eight Fe atoms. Spins are in the Néel state 0 (top) or 1 (bottom). b, Left: Optical microscopy image of the solid-state memory device fabricated from a CuMnAs antiferromagnet and schematic of the electrical writing and readout geometry. Right: Change in the transverse resistance, R, after applying three successive 50 ms writing pulses of amplitude Jwrite = 4 × 106 A cm−2 alternately along the [100] crystal direction of CuMnAs (black arrow in left panel and black points in right panel) and the [010] axis (red arrow in left panel and red points in right panel).

    Thursday, 3 March 2016

    Disentangling magnetic core/shell morphologies in Co-based nanoparticles - Journal of Materials Chemistry C (RSC Publishing)

    Disentangling magnetic core/shell morphologies in Co-based nanoparticles.
    Natalia Rinaldi-Montes, Pedro Gorria, David Martínez-Blanco, Zakariae Amghouz, Antonio B. Fuertes, Luis Fernández Barquín, Jesús Rodríguez Fernández, Luca Olivi, Giuliana Aquilanti and Jesús A. Blanco